About Roomate

Amid the challenges of the pandemic, opportunities also arose. Like us, many worked diligently from home. Even a slightly messy home background became acceptable during online meetings. Because everything was temporary, right?

Since the pandemic, we have realised that conducting meetings online can be just as effective as in-person meetings. In fact, meetings are crucial to maintaining a strong presence and growing one’s business. Choosing the right background is a small investment to create significant dividends.

Investing in the right background can yield significant dividends. Since the pandemic we have learnt that having online meetings are the same opportunity to do business as in the office. Meetings are essential to stay present and grow. Choosing the right background is a small investment that can produce rewards. 

We are delighted to have enhanced the appearance of so many home offices; the pandemic taught us that we are truly needed!

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In this video, we demonstrate how to create custom backgrounds for online meetings using Photoshop. Follow along as we showcase various effects that can be applied to your backgrounds.

Ser din bakgrund ut såhär idag vid möten?

…is a good place to start

When you need to communicate something important to your customer, it’s always better to show them rather than just telling them. A customer’s decision is based on not only what they hear but also what they see. Therefore, it’s important to keep in mind that presenting a welcoming background is a good starting point, but the rest is up to you.

A pleasant background…

We are delighted to have enhanced the appearance of so many home offices; the pandemic taught us that we are truly needed!

Men vill du att ditt varumärke säger detta?

Roomate designs custom backgrounds for online meetings.

Create long-lasting impressions and portray your brand effectively with visually appealing backgrounds.

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